Friday, September 7, 2012

Dream or VISION?

Last night I had a dream that I got a lot of email notices for donations received.  Many of the donations were for $10, but there were varying amounts.  I don’t remember what else was in my dream, but I woke up this morning feeling like I was WAY behind on sending out thank you cards.

Maybe it wasn’t a dream.  Maybe it was a vision of what I should expect on Sunday.  That would make me happy and extra grateful.

Remember when I announced Goal #2?  It was only 2 days ago.  Well, we’re almost halfway there… and it’s not even Sunday yet.  This means one of two things:

  • People have stopped eating and started donating all their grocery money.

  • There are many generous people out there that really care about helping our Ukrainian orphans!

Thank you!

Also, thank you for all of you that have responded to our Fasting and Prayer request for this Sunday.  We are grateful that so many people have expressed an interest and desire to join their faith with ours in getting these kids to Utah as quickly as possible.  We’re also grateful that so many are willing to give up 2 meals and donate the money that they would have used for those meals to our cause. 

Again, thank you!

As you may have noticed, we changed a couple things on our blog.  Hopefully it helps you map our progress a little better.

We added a pie chart to show the progress we’ve made on our entire fundraising goal, and will now be using the thermometer to show our current goal progress.  We have until September 17 to raise the funds necessary for this next step in the adoption process. 

We can do this!


  1. Truax family...I am following your adventure progress and praying that your family receives the desires of your hearts... LOVE you all very much!
