Friday, November 2, 2012

Give Thanks!

It has been about 2 1/2 months since we have started this blog along with our fundraising blog.  We have had a lot of people read our story.  We have had many people donate.  We have had a lot of encouraging words, and a lot of people asking for additional updates because they are truly interested in our story.  We have raised a significant amount of money.  We have felt immense gratitude for family, friends and strangers who have and continue to love and support us through this process.
This morning as part of Micah's school, we put up our Thanksgiving decorations. 

Last year we created a lot of construction paper leaves and wrote what we were grateful for on them.
Micah and I enjoyed reading and reminding ourselves of the things we were grateful for last year. 

Some of them were practical (like indoor plumbing, tampons [when you have 3 teenage daughters... well, you know.], and beds).

Some of them were sentimental (like family and friends).

Some of them were silly (like "Phineas and Ferb" and "Tortopia").

Some of them were faith-based (like the Gospel and Jesus Christ).

This year we have a lot of leaves to add.
And I anticipate that next year we'll have even more.

I'm not sure how we'll fit more leaves on our decorative ribbon, but we absolutely must find a way to add more leaves.  Because this year we have so much more to be grateful for!  (And I thought I felt overwhelmed with gratitude last year).

In spite of the tremendous gratitude I feel, the reality is that we still have a really long way to go in our fund-raising.  And we don't have a lot of time to get it all wrapped up.  Many of you have already given money.  Some of you have already given time.  There are a few of you that have given a lot of money AND time.  And there are those that have simply enjoyed reading our story, but for whatever reason have not been able to donate money or time to our cause.  And I understand.

But now I am pleading with ALL of you to do something. 
And even those of you that have already done so much to do something more
At the very least share our story
Tell people you know about our cause
Specifically ask people if they can donate something to help us out.   


(These high school kids have worked so hard to put this fundraiser together for our family!  I really hope and pray that we get the necessary support to insure that they feel their efforts were worthwhile.  Obviously, I also hope and pray that the fundraiser will help us get closer to our goal.  But mostly, I want these kids to feel supported in their efforts to serve and help others.  What an awesome thing they've taken on!  By supporting the Sugar Rush 5K you are helping our family AND helping some awesome young people feel the satisfaction that comes from serving others.  Just DO IT!)

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